Joe’s Platform

We just need the right leadership.

I'm running to strengthen our schools, advocate for working families, grow and diversify our economy, and build a brighter future for everyone in Nevada.

Public Schools


For decades, our education system has languished among the nation’s worst; Nevada’s K-12 education is currently ranked 48th in the country. As a former CCSD student and highly-motivated father of three young kids, I will fight to fund our schools properly, ensure every student has access to breakfast and lunch, improve our teacher recruitment and retention efforts, and get innovative in our approach to educating our students.

Working Families


As someone who grew up in a working-class family, I know the immense challenges they face in the best of times. In the wake of a global pandemic, many households are still struggling to stay afloat. I will fight to increase opportunities for working class families, and ensure they are heard and protected in Carson City.

Our Economy


When bad times hit, they hit us hardest because of our massive reliance on tourism. We need to protect our struggling small businesses and attract new businesses and investors to Nevada, especially in the technology sector, to develop a stronger, diversified economy built for the needs of the future.

Public Safety


Families in our state shouldn’t have to worry about their loved ones being exposed to crime, gun violence, and dangerous drugs like fentanyl in our communities. I am committed to shoring up our public safety efforts, including our efforts to prevent gun violence.

Civil Liberties


Our hard-won civil rights are under attack nationally and here in Nevada. I will fiercely defend a woman’s right to choose, an issue that has impacted members of my own family. I will also safeguard our voting rights and be a champion for the rights of historically marginalized communities, including the LGBTQIA+ community.